Thursday, April 7, 2011

Little Things...

I am so grateful today, for little things...

For a son who received 20 sheets of scrapbooking paper (the guy kind) for his paper airplane obsession with such a joyful heart, you'd think it was Christmas.

For the same son who, after he told me the most beautiful thing (which I will hold in my heart forever) I told him "you should write... that was beautiful!" and he said "Aw, Mom!  My "N's" still are horrible!  I try and try Mom, and I just keep getting weird looking 'H's".  I taught him that writing wasn't about a pencil - but rather his imagination... and I saw the look in his eyes, and I believe a spark has been lit and I can see him dreaming up words over there.

For a quiet home.  Four children working away at little tasks, peacefully working away and speaking kindly to each other.

For instrumental music.

For being escorted in the rain by my little boy while my husband parked the van - arm in arm...

For little people using new words and phrases: Extraordinary, Obedient, Appropriate, Amazing, I Don't Care For Any, Gentle, Grievous (!)...

For a sewing machine, and washed fabric, and TIME, and energy to do it!  The kitchen curtains begin today!

For a Father who continues to restore me every single time I run to Him... why would I ever stop running?... and He never makes me wait - He has always come running when I called...

For my husband who is the most amazing, full of character, hard working, strong, steady, never-complaining, gentle, kind, honorable, good-lookin' man I know...

For "I wish I could grow up here forever"....

For Spring Break, a break from it all... a break for all of us... a deep breath...

For minutes of sun breaking through the clouds and piercing through our windows...

For two little baby girls safe now... I can see it... hearts are beginning to rest and heal and turn, slowly turn into something beautiful and soft and tender, and minds are waking up and are starting to dream and play and mimic and pretend and create and delight in life...

I am thankful today - for little things... all these little things... I love this life Lord - thank you for waiting to give me this gift until I learned to rest in you and the days you give me... May I just dance for you a bit now?  My heart is full to bursting!

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful. I love this: "Why would I ever stop running?"
