Thursday, March 10, 2011

Little Joys...

Yesterday was David's birthday.  I took the kids to the store to pick out David's favorite "treats", my plan being to allow each child to wrap one "gift" for Daddy to have at the table.  I wanted them all to practice giving and finding joy in someone else's treasures.

Behind me in the store, I heard my littlest one squeal "I've GOT it!".  She had a box of goldfish crackers.  How cute is that?  We got them.

Later as they were all signing his birthday cards, she had Abbs write for her "thank you for letting us come here".  If that doesn't just sum it all up, huh?  That's how we know we're on the right track.  

And then there were "first time baked potatoes", first beds, first time in a drive thru, first week of completed homework, first time to make orange juice, first time at the dump, first Easter dresses (from Nanny and Poppy!), first time to meet a "gentle man", first time to touch a chicken (and the realization of where eggs come from!), and first time to take a lunch to school. 

Where would they be if we'd said "no"?  Yes, this was the right choice... this "labor of love", we are right where we are supposed to be!

1 comment:

  1. I love the "firsts" -- so many things we take for granted. This is beautiful!
